
little bundle.

room images courtesy of Little Green Notebook

One of my dearest high school friends is a proud new papa this month for the first time. I came across the most darling present for new baby Raya's room from this wonderful site Freya Art.
If you are like me when it comes to weddings, I always have the "but its so impersonal" reaction to buying gifts off a prescribed registry list. This Australian artists prints are moderately priced enough that her whimsical wedding prints could be a nice addition to the checks or registry items every couple secretly wishes people would just adhere to.... : ) Afterall, they didn't spend the whole afternoon in Crate and Barrel with a small scan gun for nothing!

The other images are just adorable inspiration of how it could be fun to decorate little Raya's room through the years.


  1. Am on her Etsy site now....and she's having a sale!! This might just be too hard to resist!!

  2. LOVE! I'm decorating the nursery as-we-speak, so perfect timing for your post.


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