
golden lamb buttery.

Connecticut and Autumn just go together. A drive in the country is something we rarely make time for but with a destination like the Golden Lamb Buttery it is the perfect excuse to hit the road. This past Monday on a recommendation and a misty grey day, my parents, sister and I headed out for lunch to this quiet little treasure in Brooklyn, CT.

This first photo from Sarah Yates Photography reignited my post and beam barn obsession and how I have been meaning to share this Connecticut treasure with you all.

The remaining photos are of the Buttery where warm hospitality and genuine home-cooked, locally-sourced and organic foods are a given. The meal was just the right balance of haute cuisine and comfort food, the lunch prices were very reasonable (soups, entrees, glass of wine and two desserts for four for about $100) and the setting and the experience just felt authentic. {ie: you walk right through the kitchen on the way to your table like you are at a friends house}. And after lunch, the sweet town of Putnam known for antiques and charm is a short drive away. Known as the 'quiet corner' of Connecticut, this is just the kind of quiet we all may be craving this Autumn!


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